Fitness classes are a great way to keep your workouts varied and meet new people. At Rebecca Adlington Leisure Centre you'll find gym based classes for all abilities as well as aqua classes. Our friendly instructors are welcoming and inclusive, ensuring that everyone has fun and stays motivated throughout.

Aqua Classes

Join us for one of our fantastic fitness classes in the pool, with all the benefits of a standard workout, in the water. Water-based classes are a low-impact way to exercise, making it a safe and enjoyable workout for all levels of fitness.

Healthy Life Circuits

A small gym based class for beginners run by an exercise referral qualified instructor. These classes run on Thursdays at 2pm and 6pm.

Low Impact Circuits

Low impact circuit classes are aimed at improving strength and cardiovascular fitness. Suitable for all abilities. Our Low Impact Circuits classes run on Tuesdays at 3.30pm and 7pm.